Exercising should be a way of life and that includes how you look in the gym. Forget the lipsticks, the shoes and pencil skirts. Splash some cash at some super sexy gym leggings. What better way to get motivated on the treadmill or doing downward facing dog wearing some of these….You may initially say “no way am I spending that on gym gear”… we say “spend it and look sexy whilst pumping those weights!”… rude not to hey – that’s unless of course you like looking shabby amongst all of those gorgeous fitness princesses?


I love these high rise tights – super flexible and with Super-Wick fabric to keep dry.  In fact Pra can’t keep out of hers and not majorly expensive!



ALO-coast-leggings--240x300ALO Coast Leggings are great for the Yogi’s amongst you.  We think the panelling gives a slighty sexy edge too!


Hurray to the gorgeous Kate Hudson for the launch of Fabletics – Not only will you find some absolute bargains here but they ship worldwide!



Fancy standing out from the crowd? Look no further than these killer Lux Ponte Jersey Leggins – Neon overload!







What can you say apart from “yum” to these Sweaty Betty Dance Leggings.



